Breaking the ice with some conversation starters

Aug 11, 2021
Posted by Admin

Breaking the ice with some conversation starters

The first date is often a bit nerve-wracking for both parties concerned. Your decision to meet again will be made during this one- to two-hour meeting. A challenging task, to say the least! This is especially true if you and your date have never previously met one other. Nevertheless, there is ...

Do you know what it takes to have a successful Indian marriage?

Aug 07, 2021
Posted by Admin

Do you know what it takes to have a successful Indian marriage?

Marriages in India are a visual feast, and experiencing them from the beginning is a once-in-a-lifetime event. The search for a potential groom or bride on a matrimonial website is similar. Every wedding in India is a royal occasion in and of itself, with a plethora of colorful activities and v...

Creating passion in an Arranged Marriage: What Works and What Doesn't

Aug 01, 2021
Posted by Admin

Creating passion in an Arranged Marriage: What Works and What Doesn't

Couples are most happy during their courtship phase, during which time they live a wonderful fairy tale in which love and passion flow naturally between them. In contrast, with an arranged marriage and coexistence through a matrimonial website, life becomes a routine. Both spouses take a comfor...


Jul 23, 2021
Posted by Admin


Indian Manglik Matrimonials is well-known for the traditional values that they instill in the couple and the pomp and circumstance surrounding the ceremony. The most important of the rituals performed over a period of several days is the wedding ceremony itself, which is referred to as the Pher...

Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Matchmaking Profile

Jul 13, 2021
Posted by Admin

Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Matchmaking Profile

Over the years, the concept of finding a life partner through a matrimonial website has gained popularity among singles worldwide. Many men and women of various religious backgrounds are turning to matrimonial websites to find their soul mate at the drop of a hat. It is not necessary to be conc...

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