10 Tips To Keep The Spark Alive In Your Marriage

Marriage is not a blood relationship that one brings into the world. It is a bond that two people wilfully choose to enter into with one another. Hence, it requires constant effort and commitment from the two involved to make it work. As one of the most trusted matrimonial sites in India, we enjoy helping young eligible people succeed at their marriages. Here’s our take on some simple tips to keep your marriage healthy and sustainable.
Surprise One Another: Bring in the element of surprise in your marriage. Even something as simple as preparing dinner before your spouse arrives is a pleasant surprise. Wear their favourite shirt or dress without notice. Leave them a thoughtful note by their bedside for them to take to in the morning.
Defend in Public, Criticise in Private: Never put your spouse down in front of others. By doing this you are exposing cracks in your relationship that others can take advantage of. Defend them or keep mum in public. Address mistakes in private.
Give Each Other Time: Pull out time from your busy schedules to give each other attention. Dedicate a fixed time every week that involves doing things you love together. Dedicate 15-30 minutes updating each other about your day.
Spend Time Alone: While spending time together is necessary, being apart is pivotal. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Have an identity, hobbies, friends and a whole world that’s outside of your spouse’s.
Don’t Sleep Over Conflicts: Don’t push disagreements under the carpet. Address issues at hand and arrive at a consensus. Issues left unaddressed can fester to become relationship problems.
Apologise For Mistakes: If you think you are at fault, admit your mistake and apologise to your spouse. There is humility in an apology. Bringing ego in the way of your apology will damage your relationship over time.
Forgive Wholeheartedly: Conversely, if your spouse asks you for forgiveness, it is only right you forgive them wholeheartedly without allowing any ill will to fester within you. Holding onto a grudge and releasing it on them later will lead your relationship to turmoil.
Give Time To Family: Embracing your spouse’s family and being on good terms with them earns you larger space in your spouse’s heart. It gives them happiness and in turn blesses your relationship with more happiness.
Live New Experiences Together: Even a drive down to a nearby hill station is a welcome break you both need as a couple. It gives you a relief from your mundane routine and helps share new experiences together which will be great memories going forward.
Share Intimacy: Share intimate moments with one another. Physical, emotional and mental intimacy are essential to keeping this special relationship of marriage alive.
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